The Time Has Come!

Today is officially the last day of our FDOM class! Although I’m really happy it’s almost time for a break, I still have 3 more finals ahead of me! I will definitely miss this class. I enjoyed learning all of the useful tools there are available in social media. I really had a good time doing this blog! When your blogging about something this is your passion,  it becomes more fun than anything!

It is amazing how many different ways a blog can help promote someone. Whether it’s for personal use, business, or branding, you are able to go more in depth with specific topics. I used blogger in the past for another personal blog, and I must say I prefer WordPress! Along with being user-friendly, I like how it is easier to follow other blogs and have followers myself. Also, connecting with other social media outlets such as Youtube, Storify, and even widgets, was a breeze! I wouldn’t change anything for WordPress or our requirements for class. I felt everything was easy to understand, and tutorials were always available.

I’m not sure if I will continue blogging in the near future. With my class load it is difficult to keep up with posting. However, if I have a job in the future that requires blogging, I wouldn’t mind one bit! I may even begin a blog my last semester to make myself more attractive for hiring! All in all, I’m glad we had this as a project in FDOM. I have recommended this class to friends, and find all the information we learned very useful!

Lastly, check out the website for Hal Higdon!

(As a seasoned runner, he has the best training programs available for every level!!)

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Ashley Bowen

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Must Haves for Running!

Outside of good running shoes, it is very important to have the right clothing and accessories! Cold, hot, or somewhere in between, ‘must haves’ make it a little easier when deciding what to wear. Being comfortable is one less thing to worry about while working towards your personal goals! I have created a video of my personal favorites. Hopefully, you find my suggestions useful!!


Links for gear:

Under Armour

Target- Women’s Active Wear

Target- Men’s Active Wear

Vanilla, Peanut Butter and Banana Post-Workout Shake

My favorite thing after a good run is this awesome protein shake. This recipe is a great combination of protein, carbohydrates, and sugars to fuel your body after a workout. Any kind of protein after a workout helps with the recovery of your muscles, and helps alleviate soreness. Try out this recipe, its delicious!

photo 1


1 Scoop Whey Protein

1 TBS Peanut Butter

1/2 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

1/2 Medium Banana

1 Cup Ice

*Note: You can add chocolate flavored protein too. I just prefer vanilla!

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Toss in the ice first. Then add protein, almond milk, and banana into blender, and blend. Make sure the ingredients blend evenly. Enjoy!

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Calories: 215

Protein: 29g

Carbs: 17g

Sugars: 10g

Links for other great post workout shakes:

NYC Marathon 2013


Photo: Google

Today is the the 43rd annual New York City Marathon! More than 43,000 are expected to be running this year! Since 1970, this particular marathon is one of the most famous races in the world. In 2012 the marathon was canceled due to hurricane Sandy, and with the city recovered, the race must go on! The NYC Marathon is also the biggest race since the bombing at the Boston Marathon. I can’t imagine preparing so hard for a race, and having something so drastic as a natural disaster or a terror attack get in the way. I’m sure energy is high, security is tight, and many will accomplish their goals!

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Related Articles

Running App

There are several running apps available, and they all do similar things. They usually track your runs, calculate your mileage, and give suggestions on nearby routes. The app I created is close, but offers some different features.

RunonCover RunonCal RunonPacerRunonFriends RunonGallery

Feature #1- My app will calculate your runs in progress so at any time you know how far you’ve gone and how far you need to go. After your run is completed, the app automatically saves your runs so that you or someone else with the app, can run the same route in the future.

Feature #2- The pacer screen will let you know what your past and present pace of your runs. This is a great feature for someone wanting to improve and create personal best records. The pacer will calculate and keep up to date with every run completed.

Feature #3- You can use this app to communicate with your friends. Your friends will be able to see your progress, run history, and photos.

Feature #4-The gallery screen will allow you take take any kind of picture related to your runs. It can be of your trail, your surroundings, or even yourself!

I created my app with:

Need a Boost?

Most should understand the importance of eating healthy on a regular basis. What’s even more important, is to eat the right foods to get the nutrients needed when incorporating an active lifestyle. Whether you enjoy light running or long distance, it is vital to get the boost needed so your performance is at its best!!

Here are are a few of the many complimentary foods for runners:


Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E and can help stave off soreness after training. Eat a handful for a great source of energy a couple hours prior to going for a run.

Eggs serve as a complete food protein, meaning they have all the crucial amino acids needed to promote recovery and repair damaged tissues post workout. They also contain 30 percent of your daily vitamin K, which is vital for healthy bones.

The key to energy for runners is complex carbohydrates. Quinoa proves to be a great source and, like eggs, is a complete protein to help your body bounce back after a serious sweat fest.

The king of fish, salmon is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fats. These essential fatty acids help balance the body’s inflammation response and create more elastic blood vessels to help benefit your performance.


Mixed Berries
Rich in anthocyanin, this powerful group of antioxidants have been said to help with post-run recovery and muscle repair in addition to many other health benefits.

Known as the queen of greens is one of the most antioxidant-rich vegetables around. Kale has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the risk of muscle damage from exercise.

Bananas serve as a great pre and post workout snack for runners. Almost all carbohydrate, bananas are high in potassium, which is lost in sweat during exercise. Potassium is necessary for proper nerve and muscle function.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain the trace minerals manganese and copper, which are crucial for healthy muscle function. With healthy complex carbs, protein and fiber, they are the perfect food to provide sustained energy on a long run.


If you want some more variations of foods to boost your running performance, check out some of these sources:

A Good Running Shoe

First and foremost, the most important thing when running is to make sure you wear the correct shoe. There is no single shoe that works for everybody. Things such as your bio mechanics, your weight, the surfaces you run on, and the shape of your feet help determine which shoe is best for you. One person’s ideal shoe can be terrible for another person.

Running shoes are divided into four main categories:

Recommended for runners who are mild to moderate over pronators and who generally have low to normal arches. These runners tend to need a shoe with a combination of good support and mid-sole cushioning.


Recommended either for racing or, if you are  bio mechanically efficient, for training. They have varying degrees of support and cushioning, but they’re generally lighter and narrower than other running shoes.


Recommended for runners who need maximum mid-sole cushioning and minimum medial support. These shoes are best for bio mechanically efficient runners (with minimum pronation) and mid-foot or forefoot strikers with high or normal arches.


Recommended for bio mechanically efficient runners who want maximum responsiveness and a stripped-down shoe while retaining an element of cushioning. These are seen as the mid point between neutral cushioned and performance shoes

photo 3     NEW BALANCE 730V2

If you are unfamiliar with what shoe is right for you, it’s best if you check out your local running store so that a expert can guide you. Here are some links to some running stores in the Austin area:

Luke’s Locker

Rogue Running

Hill Country Running Company

Benefits of Running




First, I wanted to pin point the health benefits of running. There are a few that are commonly known, but there may be a some you are unaware of. I feel that if more people are conscious of all the positive things about running, more would consider as an activity for a healthy lifestyle. Here are 10 key benefits:

1. Mental Health– Your body releases chemicals which helps you feel more happy.

2. Lessen Effects of Asthma– Helps strengthen lungs and bronchi.

3. Helps Prevent High Blood Pressure– Your arteries expand and contract while running, helping the arteries to stay fit, which then helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

4. Strong Immune System– If you are a runner, you suffer less from minor illnesses.

5. Weight Loss– You burn 705-865 calories per hour. Fat moving up and down helps break your fat down.

6. Physical Strength– Running builds lower body strength in addition to strengthening your tendons and ligaments.

7. Increase Bone Density– Your body sends essential minerals to bones to strengthen them when stressed. As running stresses your bones, these additional minerals help  to increase your bone density over time.

8. Joint Strength and Stability– By increasing the strength of your ligaments and tendons you increase joint strength and reduce chances of injuries to your ankles, hips and knees.

9. Personal Control– Running = increased confidence + greater control over your life.

10. Reduces Effects of Diabetes– Helps reduce diabetic resistance to insulin and maintain a healthy blood sugar level.




Let’s Run!


Hello there! My name is Ashley Bowen and I am currently a Junior majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Business. In a nut shell, I am an army wife, love being active, hanging with friends, and have the coolest dog ever!  I am new to the Austin area, migrating from Dallas! So far, I am loving the change of scenery and enjoying everything this great city has to offer!

 I am really looking forward to keeping up with a blog this semester. I have a personal blog about my traveling, and see it as a great way to display a variety of topics. The obvious theme for my blog is running. I’ve been an avid runner for quite some time running multiple races, including a half marathon. Running took a backseat a couple years ago as over-training resulted in me needing a spinal surgery. Now, fully recovered, I have been taking baby steps getting back in to the groove of running…the healthy way!  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about getting injured again, but I know I’ll be fine cause I’m taking precautions and not over doing it!

When I say I want to run “the healthy way,” I mean following a good training program, picking out the correct type of shoe, stretching, incorporating other forms of exercise, and eating foods that boost my performance. I will be posting about these topics with the help of different media apps that I find useful.

For more information about ANYTHING related to running check out:

I hope you enjoy my blog!
